
American Actor

I wanted to share a book that was recommended to me and that I believe is worth reading.  It is Training of the American Actor Edited by Arthur Bartow.

What I appreciate is how this anthology juxtaposes different acting techniques (for example Strasberg, Adler, Meisner, Chekhov, Hagen, Grotowski, Viewpoints, Practical Esthetics, et. al.) & explores the commonalities, history, evolution, & differences.

There is no need to go on an egg hunt -- the key techniques are conveniently in one anthology and it gives more than an encyclopedia entry.

What acting books are you reading?

Magic Moments

As actors, it is vital that we stay in the moment when performing.

Recently I went to see Monday Night Magic at the Players Theatre in NYC starring Ben Nemzer, Torkova, Jon Stetson, with David Corsaro. This ensemble of AMAZING performers were a joy to watch because that is precisely what they did for the entire show—they were able to stay in the moment & there was an excitement – what was going to happen next?

 It reminds me of the following quote by Robert Cohen:

"Nothing so distinguishes great acting -- in any style, in any historical period -- than the feeling that the actor has the potential to 'go off' at any moment, and to unleash an explosion -- a flood of lava, that will be totally uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Great Acting always dances with danger!" - Robert Cohen

So, if you are looking for some inspiration—go to your local magic show, and if you are in NYC, go to Monday Night Magic.  Go with the family – I went with my family and we were on the edge of our seat.

What inspires you/reminds you to stay in the moment?